On May 14, 2013, Susan Montefusco injured her ankle when she stepped into a hole in the grassy median next to the parking lot at her apartment complex in Patchogue.

She sued the owner of the premises and, following a bench
Damages News, Updates and Analysis of Personal Injury, Wrongful Death and Medical Malpractice Awards
On May 8, 2013, at about 7:30 p.m., Aminatah Kromah, a 32 year old hairdresser, was descending the interior stairs of a 50 unit apartment building at 2265 Davidson Avenue in the Bronx when she slipped and fell down five steps and sustained massive ankle and lower extremity injuries.
In her ensuing lawsuit against the…
Lidy Telsaint was 21 years old on March 21, 2007, having arrived in the U.S. from Haiti just six months earlier in order to rejoin her family here. At 8 a.m. that morning, she was on her way to English language school when she slipped and fell on ice that had formed on the sidewalk…
On December 27, 2002, Massoud Micky, then 47 years old, was walking to the subway in the Bronx, on his way to work, when he fell stepping onto a sidewalk sustaining a severe ankle fracture that he ultimately claimed was caused when his foot was caught in a large gap that created an uneven, misaligned…
In Rivera v. New York City Transit Authority (1st Dept. 2012), a New York appellate court this week ordered a $510,000 reduction in pain and suffering damages awarded in 2009 to an office worker who sustained a trimalleolar ankle fracture in a trip and fall accident. Her award now stands at $1,200,000 ($600,000 past –…
On March 7, 2003, a cold, icy and windy morning, Julio Alieca took a city bus to visit his mother in the Bronx. The driver stopped near the intersection of 174th Street and Harrod Avenue and the 33 year old Alicea stepped out of the rear door down onto accumulated snow in the street, slipped, …
Meghan Hopkins, a 22 year old graphic designer from Ohio, was visiting her boyfriend in New York City on July 31, 2006 when she tripped and fell on a defective walkway at the 14th Street subway station.
Meghan sustained a severe ankle fracture and sued the New York City Transit Authority claiming that the…
Leshai Ryals walked out from the rear door of a city bus on University Avenue in the Bronx on January 19, 2004 at about 11:30 a.m., took two steps in the street and then slipped on snow and ice. She broke her ankle and sued claiming that the bus driver was liable because, having…
Terrorists attacked New York City’s World Trade Center buildings twice – once on 2/26/93 exploding a bomb in the underground parking garage of the north tower; then on 9/11/01 flying planes into both towers.
Most people safely evacuated in 1993 (six died and hundreds were injured):
The lawsuits that followed the 1993 bombing are …