You can’t make this stuff up. On July 12, 2003, Lisa Nutley sought to celebrate her birthday with the thrill of her life – a recreational parachute jump. So, she drove to SkyDive the Ranch (web site here), a skydiving facility in Gardiner, New York that’s been in business for over 30 years.
Finger Amputation Cases – Pain and Suffering Awards Range from $85,000 to $2,000,000
By John Hochfelder on
Posted in Amputation Injuries, Hand Injuries
The first thing many new mothers ask, even before seeing their newborns, is: "Are there 10 fingers (and toes)?" Of course, the answer is almost always "yes." Fingers can, though, be lost – amputated – later in life and when that happens it’s usually due to an accident with a lawnmower or a power saw…