Blog posts may be a little light here at the New York Injury Cases Blog this week, as I head out for a bit of road trip to guest blog at Point of

Point of is a website sponsored by the Center for Legal Policy at the Manhattan Institute. Focusing on America’s civil justice system, the site includes original discussions featuring some of the nation’s top legal scholars, an ongoing forum on liability issues, a bibliography of important books and articles, and links to topical legal news stories.

Many thanks to Point of Law’s editor, the eminent Walter Olson, for the opportunity to relate my practitioner’s perspective.

Walter is a commentator, author and critic best known for his work in the American litigation system. In addition to editing Point of Law, he founded and continues to run the popular weblog. Launched in 1999, Overlawyered is the oldest and most widely acclaimed blog about law.

Both Point of Law and Overlawyered are daily reads for me, and I’m hoping to add to the group’s valuable discussion.