Anthony Bianco was born on December 31, 1999 at Winthrop University Hospital in Mineola. He was delivered by means of a vacuum extraction under the supervision of Steven Sherwin, M.D., an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Years later, Anthony’s mother, Mauro Bianco, commenced a medical malpractice lawsuit against her physician claiming that Dr. Sherwin improperly performed the vacuum extraction

On February 23, 2009, at Mercy Medical Center in Rockville Centre, Nylah Hollingsworth was born prematurely at 26 1/2 weeks of gestation.

Two weeks later,Nylah was diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), an acute infection of the intestine sometimes seen in premature infants.

Nylah’s mother sued the hospital claiming that it negligently caused NEC.

Shannon Reilly was born on November 1, 2002 at St. Charles Hospital in Port Jefferson. Doctors quickly noticed Shannon was suffering seizures and she was later determined to be suffering from cerebral palsy.

St Charles Hosp.

In the ensuing lawsuit against the hospital and the obstetrician, Shannon’s parents claimed that her delivery was improperly managed allowing a